Medicines for prostatitis: low-cost and fast

The subject of prostatitis will always be relevant, because this disease suffers more than 50% of men, among which, are the young people 25-30 years of age. Unfortunately, the prostatitis develops for a variety of reasons. This can be, as an infection that penetrates the prostate and lifestyle, such as physical inactivity, which establishes the stagnation phenomenon in the pelvis, causing inflammation.

the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is nasty and very painful disease, as well as if you have an inflammation of the prostate worsens urination, characterized by armbar syndrome. Today there are many medications that are able to quickly relieve symptoms, quenching the pain and even cure the chronic prostatitis. What is the medicine for prostatitis it is best to take when the acute and chronic form of the disease, the most popular drugs for prostatitis cheap and effective, we describe in this article.

The treatment of prostatitis men: medicines

Self-healing prostatitis the patient is impossible, even the personal experience of people who had similar symptoms and described the treatment method in the forums, you will not be able to help you overcome this disease. Why? The fact that the drugs are assigned to one doctor fully correspond to its history. Medical therapy is assigned according to the criteria:

  • The age of the patient. The mature cardiovascular system, with the passing of the years has decreased, but many medicines of prostatitis men the negative affect the liver, kidneys, and heart. When prescribing this fact you should consider;
  • The stage of the disease. If this is a prostatitis, are assigned to the preservation of drugs, and when the inflammation reaches its climax – is assigned to intensive therapy and, often, in execution, in order prostatitis be treated in the hospital;
  • Attendant diseases. Many times, along with prostatitis men show urethritis, and other pathological state. Considering all these details, the expert will need to issue more adaptable range of medications;
  • Individual contra-indications. Because many times the pathology to be treated is an antibiotic, and its fairly wide range, the doctor initially allocates an analysis of the blood is what determines that in a group of drugs would be an effective way of influencing the inflammation.

Also when the diagnosis doctor-the urologist identifies the root cause of the inflammation. In 90% of cases of prostatitis cause infection, but today have become more likely to install such causes of inflammation of the prostate gland:

  • Trauma to the genital;
  • Low physical activity (physical inactivity);
  • Inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • Chronic constipation (obstructed defecation);
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia) and t. d.
  • Hormonal failure.

All these factors have a direct influence on the prostate. Only by defining the root cause of an illness, you can assign the quality of local and medicines that help to quickly and effectively to cure the disease.

What is the medicine prostatitis best: a review of pharmaceutical forms

Medicines for prostatitis men should appoint in a comprehensive way, that is, there is a certain medicine that act on the inflammation and relieves the symptoms. When the doctor prescribes the therapy, which may include various pharmaceutical forms, namely:

  • The candles. They quickly relieve symptoms, attOlayt the pain and improve the microbiota;
  • The shots. Usually you are assigned, in special conditions, are the main type of treatment. The injections are applied in the execution of the form of prostatitis, as well as a medicine penetrates quickly in the tissues of the dead;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroids). Effectively relieve the inflammation;
  • Instillali. This type of treatment involves the entry of drugs directly in the hotbed of inflammation;
  • Microclysters. Most belong to the people methods of coping with the disease. Are assigned in the chronic npoctatute. Are manufactured on the basis of herbs, which contribute to reduce the inflammation of the prostate;
  • The tablets. Are often used when you do not know the etiology. These include the broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Each type of medicine has its own characteristics of the application. Combine several types of medications can only the doctor, knowing the patient's medical history. It is proven that a faster treatment helps you get rid of the starting point of the pain syndrome and to heal a pathological state.

medicines for prostatitis

Tablets prostatitis cheap and effective

Quick cure for prostatitis have not yet invented. There are a number of medications that can effectively relieve symptoms, but the treatment of the pathology, it can take 7 to 14 days. If the doctor found that the cause of the prostatitis is an infection, so in the first place, are assigned to the antibacterials.


Mainly the antibiotics that are assigned to a wide variety, as well as they contribute to the destruction of many species of pathogenic agents. Today, there are three major groups of antibiotics:

  • Tetracyclines;
  • Penicillins.


Represented by a group of medicines makes life easier for many patients who suffer from running and prostatitis acute. Apply the medicines of prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate, therefore, are ubiquitous.

Stimulating blood circulation<

When any type of pathology that disrupted the circulation of blood in the body. As soon as you receive this group of medications is inevitable.

The candles

It can be quickly used to relieve the symptoms. In addition to such drug is that it does not pass through the stomach, and does not act negatively on the blood, liver and kidneys.


If all of these drugs have strict combination, about which you know the doctor, so, intake of vitamins for men vypisyvattXia in any type of treatment, as the body during the treatment is subjected to a strong tension and stress. Chronic disease highly beats by complementing the body's resources.